March, 2021
We are one year from the start of the COVID 19 pandemic. Even though it has changed the way we do things, Baja Educational Initiative (BEI) has continued to move forward with helping the children in Baja Mexico get an education. Because schools in Mexico have gone virtual, the BEI Center with computers, printers, and free Wi-Fi has been very helpful to the students. In this issue of the newsletter, we will share the following: We celebrate with you the graduation of a BEI student from college. We have new staff! At the beginning of 2021, we hired Jannette Guevara as an Assistant Field Coordinator to work alongside our Field Coordinator, Gabby Smith. Our previous Field Coordinator, Laura Baez, has gone to work full time with our sister organization, Baja Bound Ministries. We will update you on the pandemic in Mexico, how it is impacting students, and how the BEI Center is helping. We are also beginning to learn more about the lives of the children we sponsor. We recently had a successful high school/college age gathering at the BEI Center. Also, we had tea for the mothers of our students so we could get to know them better and become more aware of their needs. Finally, with all the opportunities we have to help the children and their families in Maneadero, we will share some goals we have for 2021. We thank you for your interest in BEI.
Introducing Jannette!
We are very excited to inform you that BEI has a new staff member in Mexico, Jannette Guevara, who will be our Assistant Field Coordinator. This is such a blessing to BEI, enabling us to meet the needs of more students, especially during the pandemic. As you may know, we recently opened a facility (The BEI Center) where children from the community who don’t have electricity and internet can come do their homework with us. The BEI Center has had a very positive impact during the pandemic. More and more children come each week to use the services and facilities. Jannette will be the BEI Center manager, ensuring that each child receives adequate care and help to continue their studies. Jannette's addition to our staff has been a great blessing, as she shows compassion and love for each of our students. We are happy to have her in Mexico to follow up and support our scholarship students.
Recent graduates!
Maria graduated this December, and you are a big part of this success in her life. Without the help of many of our donors, this would not have been possible. Maria is 29 years old, her dream was always to finish a university degree;
however her financial situation did not allow
it. A few years ago during the construction of her home through Baja Bound Ministries, a member of the construction group decided to support her dream. Since then
her sponsor has paid for Maria's tuition and school expenses.
Because Maria already had a family, it was a bit challenging, but this was also her motivation to continue. Finally, this past December Maria graduated with her degree in criminology! We are so proud and happy for her!
You can also fulfill someone's dream, Click the link below for more info:
BEI Center update
February began with an event for our university and high school students. We had the participation of Sharon Lee, who told us about the culture of Malaysia and shared with us delicious traditional food from her country. The students enjoyed it and we were able to enjoy some time with them and get to know them better. The second week of the month, we invited the mothers of our students to join us for tea. It was just as amazing; we had quality time where we could hear the challenges that their families are facing. They told us about their experiences with online school and how BEI has been a blessing for their lives. They have dreams for their children’s future and we believe that working together is the best way. We want to create a community!
If you would like to join this dream of breaking the cycle of poverty through
education, click here to see different needs for the BEI center or go to the website and on your donation comments you can specify that is for the Center.
Covid-19 update
We are looking forward to the future for this community of Maneadero. We know that small steps will lead us to walk long distances. The BEI Center was created to offer a safe space for the student community; young people and children come
looking for tools that make online school a little less difficult experience. During this pandemic, families have faced not only an economic challenge, but also had to become teachers for their children. This motivated us, and among our goals for this year we developed a tutoring program with the help of our college students. It's been truly amazing to watch our volunteers give so much back to the community.
We have been able to see first-hand the gratitude in their hearts; BEI is being an agent of change here in Maneadero, Baja California and we want to thank you for being part of this team. Without you, none of this would have been possible.
Goals for 2021!
The year has just started and we are so excited about all the possibilities. We believe that 2021 will be a great year. We have a few goals for this year that we want to share with you.
1. Workshops for our students. We would like to give them every tool possible! Possibilities include English lessons, photography courses, talks about health and prevention, and psychological support. 2. We are also organizing a medical campaign, bonfire nights, and a summer camp! All of these are in the hope that this helps to have our children motivated and eager to follow their dreams and have a better future. 3. Having monthly gatherings with students’ families is another one of our goals. We believe that parents play such a crucial role in the lives of the students, so we want to be here to listen to their struggles and hopefully be a part of the solution.
These are only a few of our goals and we are very excited to carry them out. Please be sure to follow our social media and share our content so many more can be a part of this!
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