2023 Goals - BajaEd
We are very excited to share with you our 2023 goals. We continue to work to fulfill our Mission and vision, which is to break the cycle of poverty through education for many children in Mexico. We thank each of our collaborators because, thanks to you, we can achieve each of our goals and improve the quality of life of thousands of children and young people living in poverty conditions.
1. Continue promoting the social education and multi-disciplinary learning of our students with outings to places such as:
a. Science Museum; El Caracol
b. Zoo Park Jersey
c. Visit local Universities
d. Hiking and well-being programs
e. Tour of Local government offices
f. Science week at the Superior Science center in Ensenada and UABC University
2. Continue to work and invest in the family unit of our students by providing workshops by professionals, ex. Police,
Paramedics, nutritionist, Lawyer, and Accountants.
a. Financial education
b. Labor rights
c. Crime prevention
d. Nutrition
e. Self-esteem
f. First Aid
4. Adult education
We are opening continual adult education programs to facilitate the finish of studies for parents who didn't have the opportunity to study.
5. Preparation for better opportunities. English (ESL) and computer classes to offer better opportunities to our community.
5. Give back, We want to encourage our students to return to their community with different continuous programs of social service and support to their community.
6. Oportunities for partners. BajaEd Gala 2023; An opportunity for all those sponsoring BajaEd students to spend time with their students. And also those who want to know more about what BajaEd is all about.