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Three Kings Day at Colonia Oaxaca

Wrestling matches and presents

On January 6th, we had our final event of the holiday season. Three Kings Day marked the end of the festivities with our scholars. We hosted a wrestling exhibition at the El Castillo Community Center. Our scholars and other children from the neighborhood, along with their parents, witnessed the wrestling matches. The matches were performed by Lady D Academy wrestlers.

After the wrestling matches, our sponsors shared food and presents with our guests. Over 100 children attended and received gifts. It has been 8 years since the wrestling match first came to the Colonia Oaxaca neighborhood, bringing joy to its inhabitants. Children and adults had a wonderful time and were grateful for the presents.

The Three Kings Day event was the last in a series of parties celebrating the holidays with our scholars. Following 10 Christmas parties and hundreds of presents, we concluded the holiday season. Every scholar received a present. Additionally, due to the generosity of our sponsors, we provided gifts to children in disadvantaged neighborhoods. More than 500 gifts were distributed. Truly, our sponsors helped us have a Merry Christmas.

We thank our generous sponsors for sharing their time and presents with our students. Our mission would be impossible without you.

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